

Find a book in our database

Items per page:
Please Note:-
  • Books listing on our database may not be in stock, and occasionally they may be out of print. For confirmation of pricing and availability of books please contact us.
ISBN field
  • Modifications have now been made to the website, and you should now enter the ISBN as one string (ie. no dashes). Also be aware that is there is an X in the ISBN it needs to be entered as an X and not an x.
  • If you know the ISBN then enter it as this will take you directly to the book details.
  • e.g. 0140707026 will fetch the details of Penguin's 1967 edition of Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare.
Title field
The entire field is counted as 1 title.
  • e.g. Midsummer Night's Dream returns books whose title contains Midsummer Night's Dream.
  • e.g. Midsummer returns books whose title contains Midsummer.
Author field
  • A single word in the author field will find books by authors with that surname.
    • e.g. Plato in the author field will find all books by Plato.
  • If the text entered is separated by spaces then each word takes part in the search.
    • e.g. William Shakespeare will find all books by the authors William and Shakespeare together.
  • An asterisk is used to indicate a wildcard.
    • e.g. Shake* will find all books where the author's surname starts with Shake.
  • A quote is used to indicate the string is to be taken literally.
    • e.g. "Clarke, A.C" will find books by that author.
Publisher field
The entire field is counted as 1 publisher.
  • e.g. Oxford University Press returns books by those publishers whose name contains Oxford University Press.
  • e.g. Oxford returns books by those publishers who name contains Oxford.

Note The number of records displayed per page can be set, the default is 10 for minimal download times.